
AktorKast Acting Tip #9

“Judging the Character” is a concept often discussed in acting, referring to the actor’s process of understanding and interpreting the motivations, emotions, and behaviors of the character ...
“Judging the Character” is a concept often discussed in acting, referring ...

AktorKast Acting Tip #8

Preparing for auditions requires a delicate balance of meticulous planning and flexible spontaneity. Ground yourself in the essence of your character, understanding their motivations and desires. Memorize ...
Preparing for auditions requires a delicate balance of meticulous planning and ...

AktorKast Acting Tip #7

The technique of substitution.This technique is very essential for actors. The substitution technique is a technique that should be practiced every day. This technique revolves around substituting ...
The technique of substitution.This technique is very essential for actors. The ...