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Astrit Kabashi



Born in Peja, Kosovo, actor Astrit Kabashi finished his studies at the Academy of Arts in Prishtina. He later became a writer as well. Astrit has played in many short and feature films, and has won several International awards. He is known for “Babai”, “SHOK”, “Wedding Tape”, “Zana” and “Death by Suffocation”

I lindur në Pejë të Kosovës, aktori Astrit Kabashi ka përfunduar studimet në Akademinë e Arteve në Prishtinë. Më vonë u bë edhe shkrimtar. Astriti ka luajtur në shumë filma të shkurtër dhe të metrazhit të gjatë, si dhe ka fituar disa çmime ndërkombëtare. Ai njihet për “Babai”, “SHOK”, “Dasma”, “Zana” dhe “Vdekje nga mbytja”.


Work & Experience


Role: Ilir

Director: Antoneta Kastrati

Production Type: Film

Haunted by her long suppressed past and pressured by family to seek treatment from mystical healers for her infertility, a Kosovar woman struggles to reconcile the expectations of motherhood with a legacy of wartime brutality.

2014 - 2015 Father

Role: Gezim

Director: Visar Morina

Production Type: Film

Ten-year-old Nori (Val Maloku) and his father Gezim (Astrit Kabashi) roam the streets of Kosovo selling cigarettes and barely earning a living. Only a few years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Gezim is lured west to Germany, leaving his son behind in search of a new life. Feeling deserted and desperate to claim some sense of stability, Nori embarks on a dangerous journey to Germany in search of his father. His tenacity, resilience, and sheer grit must be enough to guide him.

2014 - 2015 Filmi Shok
Eagle Eye Production & Circle Production

Role: Arkan Soldier

Director: Jamie Donoughue

Production Type: Film

Set during the Kosovan War during the occuption by Serbia, two young Kosovan boys are the best of friends that become dragged into ever increasingly dangerous situations that test their resolve and their friendship.